Error Code  0x80070002 Vista SP2
Hi There So I'm getting the Error Code 0x80070002 when I'm trying to install Vista SP2 Manually. I've followed to below KB with no success Cheers, Brett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-Service Pack Installer Date: 9/14/2009 9:12:32 AM Event ID: 8 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: User: Computer: Description: Service Pack installation failed with error code 0x80070002. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-Service Pack Installer Date: 9/14/2009 9:12:21 AM Event ID: 7 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: User: Computer: Description: Changes to an update(Service Pack for Microsoft Windows (KB948465)) failed during Service Pack installation. Identity: VistaSP2-KB948465~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ Error Code: 0x80070002 Target State: 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
September 14th, 2009 3:25am

Don't worry about this problem I just ran a windows repair which fixed the problem
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September 14th, 2009 7:11am

0x80070002 Is an error that refers to the Share-Point from OFFICE ...and is a HACK and BACKDOOR THAT Microsoft Left open, along with the rest of the Sockets they leave open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do yourself a favor ...Stop the live meeting on your computer that you didn't know was going on. Close your Socket Ports ....NETSH winsock show catalog ...and then remove the infringing LSP!! PS(or should I say PSS The windows firewall is also a FRIKKEN network that allows users in and out when ever they want!!! (and because it uses SOCKET udp and TCP ports, it doesn't matter what other firewall you have!!! (read your registry!!!) PS NEED JOB ...HAVE BRAIN ...anyone????
September 26th, 2009 3:28am

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